
Interview Marga Hondorp

16 Apr 2020

Interview Marga Hondorp

Most ladies already know you, but can you introduce yourself , and tell us a little more? 

I am Marga Hondorp, 59 years old, married to Jan and I have 2 great daughters, Laura and Renee. For 13 years I worked as an elderly care worker. After that I worked as a color and style consultant and now I am a passionate photographer. I already succeeded 4 years of classes to improve my skills.

Together with Jan I love to travel with my backpack trough Asia in the holidays. And I train to stay fit, 3 times weekly I practice aerobics and 1 time every week I go on a bicycle tour or a long walk with a group of ladies. For photography I visit people for pregnancy pictures, newborn and other great things that cross my path like, website pictures. In my free time I like to read an exciting book.


What’s your connection to Female Fighter? 

My Daughters Laura and Renee are both BJJ practitioners.


What makes it fun, to makes pictures for Female Fighter? 

I love working with enthusiastic lady who are not “camera shy”. I think it feels great to be part of this team and be able to help out by using my passion..

What’s the hardest part of making BJJ pictures?

It’s still kinda challenging to make sharp pictures. Not enough light, a lot of movement, pressing on the right moment. Luckily the ladies like to pose as well.

Personally I like to make portraits, I love to see facial expressions, sweat, fun, tired, concentration etc. In the evening at the camp I love to build up my photo booth and make beautiful pictures of the girls who want to.


If you could have a superpower, what would it be? 

This one took me a while to think about. But it would be great to have to power to transfer myself in no time. No hours on a plane or in a car or train. That would be awesome.

Will you be there during Summercamp? 

I hope so! Let’s hope this crisis situation will get better soon.

While I am not training at the camp, my muscles are always sore when I get home.

Hope to see you all soon!  

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